A USB drive as (1) 160 GB partition sole purpose data

Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Mon Apr 27 15:39:23 UTC 2009

On Mon, April 27, 2009 17:14, Thorny wrote:

> Just to be clear, you do have your BIOS set to boot from the first hard
> drive don't you? If you have it set to boot from USB and, at some point in
>  the past while you were playing with distros, you put a GRUB MBR on the
> removable drive too, it will make a difference if the removable drive is
> connected at boot time, depending on where that MBR sends grub next.

Even when you have not installed grub on the removable drive [*] _and_ you
have set your BIOS to boot from the first hard disk, then you can still
get grub error 15 when you boot with the removable drive plugged in.

[*] I'd have to look up the exact syntax, but I would dd the first couple
of kilobytes of /dev/sdX to standard output and use a combination of
strings and grep on it.

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