A USB drive as (1) 160 GB partition sole purpose data

Allen Meyers texas.chef94 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 16:59:04 UTC 2009

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu)
<amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be> wrote:
> On Mon, April 27, 2009 17:14, Thorny wrote:
>> Just to be clear, you do have your BIOS set to boot from the first hard
>> drive don't you? If you have it set to boot from USB and, at some point in
>>  the past while you were playing with distros, you put a GRUB MBR on the
>> removable drive too, it will make a difference if the removable drive is
>> connected at boot time, depending on where that MBR sends grub next.
> Even when you have not installed grub on the removable drive [*] _and_ you
> have set your BIOS to boot from the first hard disk, then you can still
> get grub error 15 when you boot with the removable drive plugged in.
> [*] I'd have to look up the exact syntax, but I would dd the first couple
> of kilobytes of /dev/sdX to standard output and use a combination of
> strings and grep on it.
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Thorny, Amedee & list:
I am sure by this time all must think I am some kind of totally inept
individual and where Linux is concerned that was true, not totally any
longer and I owe whatever progress I have made to this group and
NTLUG. Since I still consult to school food service and one of my
clients a school district has a very accomplished IT man who installed
Copiolot on my unit way back (I never thought to use it) but I did
Friday and landline plus copilot plus IT specialist got me back to a
more grounded position.
So to answer the error 15 first according to my school guy what was
said about the mount, unmount, grub location by this list he agrees
totally and he says that was the cause of at leat one of those error,
but he cautioned me as you all have that when I was playing with
partitioning on both my HD and external my attempts at creating /home
and data on HD and external and not reversing my command line
mistakes. Things like these sudo mkdir /old
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /old
sudo mkdir /new
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda3 /ne
Not addressing the errors returned and going on resulted in some of my
problems as well.
Knowing me as he does his suggestion was never leave the USB plugged
in and always unmount first and unplug prior to shut down.
He did advise me to format that USB and make certain nothing remained
and use the check function in gparted as part of the procedure.
We did mount the drive, mount point data made a single partition and
he said since I have no windows no need to consider FAT and taking my
word for the ext 4 which he knew nothing about he saw no problen in
using it on the partition. (but did say to ask list)
his outlined procedure was:
1. Go to the file in question, open it, go to file+save copy+file
name+160 GB media
Now because he is not Linux he advised me to ask list for navigation
protocol for going to partition folder, viewing files on partition,
and how to edit them.
He also suggested but admitted he did not know how that it could be
possible to create folders within the partition
So that is it and I am fortunate enough that my grandsons thesis is in
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point HACCP my consulting expertise.

Sorry about the length of this, but I figured the list deserved an
explanation and not left hanging


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