Confused about compiz plugins, trying to get "window rules" plugin

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Apr 20 02:01:39 UTC 2009

On 04/19/2009 08:50 AM, David M. Karr wrote:
> There appears to be so much documentation on Compiz plugins that I can't 
> figure it out at all. :)
> I'm using Gnome, and I'd like to figure out how to make certain 
> application windows ALWAYS sticky, without having to select "Always on 
> Visible Workspace" each time I bring it up.
> Looking through the "Compiz plugins" list, I found something called 
> "Window Rules" which seems to be what I need.  The problem is, I can't 
> find anything that actually says how to install and configure Compiz 
> plugins, or whether that's actually what I need.

There are so may options/plugins that I doubt that anyone can figure
them all out... However, here are some places to start:

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