changing grub
Ray Parrish
crp at
Sat Apr 4 18:39:15 UTC 2009
Thorny wrote:
> [...]
> [Ray Parrish]
>>> Hello,
>>> Just wanted to address a small fine point here. When starting a GUI
>>> application with root privileges, such as gedit you need to use the
>>> gksu command on the start of the line, not the sudo command, which is
>>> used for command line programs. so the earlier given command to edit
>>> menu.lst should be -
>>> gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst &
>>> I have also added an "&" on the end of the command line, which will
>>> cause gedit to fork away from the Terminal session, so that shutting
>>> down the Terminal window will not also shut down your gedit session,
>>> which is will do, without the & on the end of the line. If however, you
>>> want any error messages generated by gedit to be printed to the
>>> terminal window, leave off the &, and leave the Terminal window open
>>> until you are done with gedit.
>>> The reason for my clarification of this point is that in my experience,
>>> attempting to start a GUI program with sudo usually will not start the
>>> program. You issue the command, get prompted for your password in
>>> terminal, then nothing happens after that.
>>> Later, Ray Parrish
> [Leonard Chatagnier]
>> Very strange, to me anyway, that you said and experienced what you did
>> above. Although, I've read on the list about using gksu ipo sudo for
>> gui applications, I've never had an issue using sudo nano to edit any
>> type of file using Kubuntu desktop anyway. I rarely use gnome as I like
>> the kubuntu eye candy better but of course in an Ubuntu install. I don't
>> understand the need for the &, why would anyone stop a terminal session
>> while editing from it? Even if stopped by error, it's simle to restart
>> it and continue. Gnome, or the Ubuntu Desktop, may react differently
>> than the Kubuntu Desktop, I really don't know. Nano is the default
>> editor for Kubuntu and works well for me in an Ubuntu install. I am
>> using Kensole or a tty terminal in reference to what I've said. Just
>> another persons viewpoint. Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
> I think the difference "strangeness" probably stems from the different
> "environment" one can be in when they start a terminal with gksu than when
> one starts a program as sudo. I agree with you Leonard, that sudo nano,
> along with the proper path to the file you want to edit will work as
> expected. Some things appear to not work as expected, generally because
> our expectations are faulty, the $PATH environment variable differences
> between regular user and root user is one that often is a source of
> confusion.
I'm *not* starting Terminal with gksu, I'm starting gedit *from*
Terminal with gksu. Again, nano is not a GUI application.
Later, Ray Parrish
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