Troubles watching NBC shows from thier website

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Sep 30 07:44:47 UTC 2008

David Fox schreef:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:19 PM, steve <sfreilly at> wrote:
>> Send NBC an email to complain about no linux support, or no "working"
>> linux support.  Im pretty sure just like with the olympics you will need
>>  moonlight which isnt in a workable state last I tried it.
>> anyway, try this at hulu....... works perfectly.
> Works fine here too - just tried it. On the other hand, sometimes any
> video in this fashion (mplayerplugin & flash) don't work - CNN for
> example. I'll sometimes get white screens, with general error - even
> if I quit and rerun Firefox it doesn't always work. Then I try back
> later, and everything's fine.
> I wonder if some content requires Moonlight or a proprietary
> Windows-only codec/method to play, and other content doesn't?
Doesn't work on my 64-bit AMD with Hardy and firefox 3.0.3.
It requires Flash version 9 and although I have installed the 
work-around library it complains about not 
having installed libflasplayer 9 or higher. I have the same problem with 
youtube. I can however see other sites- apparently using an older 
version of flash - without problems. I don't want to use a 32-bit 
version of firefox (gives all sort of problems when installing).

On another complaint in this thread I think complaining to NBC has the 
same effect as complaining to Adobe i.e. none.

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