Troubles watching NBC shows from thier website

steve sfreilly at
Tue Sep 30 22:55:33 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Joep L. Blom wrote:
> David Fox schreef:
>> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:19 PM, steve <sfreilly at> wrote:
>>> Send NBC an email to complain about no linux support, or no "working"
>>> linux support.  Im pretty sure just like with the olympics you will need
>>>  moonlight which isnt in a workable state last I tried it.
>>> anyway, try this at hulu....... works perfectly.
>> Works fine here too - just tried it. On the other hand, sometimes any
>> video in this fashion (mplayerplugin & flash) don't work - CNN for
>> example. I'll sometimes get white screens, with general error - even
>> if I quit and rerun Firefox it doesn't always work. Then I try back
>> later, and everything's fine.
>> I wonder if some content requires Moonlight or a proprietary
>> Windows-only codec/method to play, and other content doesn't?
> Doesn't work on my 64-bit AMD with Hardy and firefox 3.0.3.
> It requires Flash version 9 and although I have installed the 
> work-around library it complains about not 
> having installed libflasplayer 9 or higher. I have the same problem with 
> youtube. I can however see other sites- apparently using an older 
> version of flash - without problems. I don't want to use a 32-bit 
> version of firefox (gives all sort of problems when installing).
> On another complaint in this thread I think complaining to NBC has the 
> same effect as complaining to Adobe i.e. none.
> Joep

yeah probably not, but it makes me feel better when I send an email, and
encourage others to do so as well, to companies that ignore linux.  By
the way, not to change the subject, but isnt there 32 bit firefox you
can use?

- --
Steve Reilly
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