Screen resolution loop [help!]

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Fri Sep 26 03:01:18 UTC 2008

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> It's been mentioned before on the list but have you tried booting up in recovery mode and selecting the 4th item on the screen "xfix".  This usually get rid of low resolution issues with xorg.conf. and maybe blank screens(don't know as I haven't had one). Have you tried nvidia-xconfig yet although this conflicts with nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new drivers. You may get better help if you tell the list just what your monitor, video card and installed drivers are.
If I were a novice computer user who is a Linux virgin and didn't know 
to look in forums or this mailing list (didn't even know they existed in 
the first place) for help how would I know that?  Once you are able to 
answer that question I'll drop the subject, but until then I'll keep 
trying to explain it over and over again until someone finally understands.

I'm not having this problem but I know others who are.  I installed 
Kubuntu which has a display resolution dialog that does lets you select 
your monitor type.  Ubuntu 8.04 with Gnome/Compiz Fusion doesn't have 
this in its display resolution dialog.  If it did this would be a none 
issue, but it doesn't so this is a big issue.  Its like having an iPod 
without a headphone jack, it a basic function you expect to find but 
isn't there.

nvidia-config does not fix this problem.

Again, look at this issue from the perspective of a computer novice, a 
newbie, someone who's computer literacy doesn't extend beyond turning on 
the machine and clicking on icons to make things work.  You're looking 
at this from the knowledgeable Linux user perspective.  You need to 
approach this issue from the mindset of someone who hears about Gnome 
and in their mind they think about Travelocity commercials or lawn 
ornaments.  Ubuntu is made for the easy-day average Jane/Joe user.  
Think like they do and what I say about this problem starts to make more 

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
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