screen resolution problems with Hardy Herron

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Wed Sep 24 07:58:39 UTC 2008

Linda Hanigan wrote:
> I have a very odd problem with the upgrade to Hardy Herron on one of my
> machines. When it originally comes up after boot the resolution is fine.
> However after you log off, the login screen comes back at 640 X 480
> resolution and when you log on the resolution can not be changed from
> this either with the preferences nor with ctrl alt + 
> So far each user is just shutting down when done. Any ideas on what is
> going on or how to fix it. I've found lots on installs that only have
> 640 X 480 and playing with the xconfig files like we use to have to do,
> but x is right on boot so I don't see how it could solve the problem
>                   Thanks
>                   Linda
This is a problem I ran into myself.  The main issue is the fact that 
new screen resolution controls in Ubuntu do not allow you to manually 
change the settings for your monitor.  This is a serious bug and I've 
issues a bug report on it.  There is a workaround, two actually.  One is 
complicated and hard to do.  It involves shutting down and 
reconfiguring it.  The other works but its not graceful or elegant.

In a terminal window type this command...

sudo displayconfig-gtk

The old screen resolution window from 7.10 will appear.  In this window 
you can change your monitor settings and then you'll be able to adjust 
your screen resolution to what you want it to be.  If you can't find 
your monitor in the list use one of the default monitors selecting the 
maximum resolution you want to use.  Don't select Default Monitor, that 
setting keeps you locked at 640x480.

You login screen will look a little funny but it'll be usable.  I 
switched to Kubuntu 8.04 which still lets you select your monitor 
settings manually to fix the problem.

I'm hoping that the developers fix this issue in the next version of 
Ubuntu and add the feature for adjusting your monitor type on the screen 
resolution window.  If they don't then this problem will continue into 
the next release and that isn't acceptable.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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