screen resolution problems with Hardy Herron

Owen Townend owen.townend at
Wed Sep 24 08:27:54 UTC 2008

2008/9/24 Michael TheZorch Haney <thezorch at>:
> This is a problem I ran into myself.  The main issue is the fact that
> new screen resolution controls in Ubuntu do not allow you to manually
> change the settings for your monitor.  This is a serious bug and I've
> issues a bug report on it.  There is a workaround, two actually.  One is
> complicated and hard to do.  It involves shutting down and
> reconfiguring it.  The other works but its not graceful or elegant.
> In a terminal window type this command...
> sudo displayconfig-gtk
> The old screen resolution window from 7.10 will appear.  In this window
> you can change your monitor settings and then you'll be able to adjust
> your screen resolution to what you want it to be.  If you can't find
> your monitor in the list use one of the default monitors selecting the
> maximum resolution you want to use.  Don't select Default Monitor, that
> setting keeps you locked at 640x480.
> You login screen will look a little funny but it'll be usable.  I
> switched to Kubuntu 8.04 which still lets you select your monitor
> settings manually to fix the problem.
> I'm hoping that the developers fix this issue in the next version of
> Ubuntu and add the feature for adjusting your monitor type on the screen
> resolution window.  If they don't then this problem will continue into
> the next release and that isn't acceptable.

Recent news: Phoronix had an article or two on the changes they've
made to BulletProofX for Intrepid:

Looks like it might help solve the issues around in Hardy...


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