How long before you give up.

Steve Lamb grey at
Mon Sep 22 00:28:40 UTC 2008

Patrick Newberry wrote:
> I've got one machine right now that had windows 2000 server on it. Didn't
> know password. I put in the xubuntu disk and it's been going for about 8 or
> more hours. At this point I have no  display but the cdrom drive is
> spinning.

    8 hours waiting for it to start up?  8 hours installing?  All depends
where.  Regardless I generally don't go more than 20-30m without some
indication of progress.  Also, if the specs for the machine are low you might
want to try the OEM install which, IIRC, uses the base Debian text-installer.
 Not as pretty but functional and less resource-needy than the GUI installer.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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