8.04 dual-boot w/ XP: - installation problems

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Sun Sep 21 21:37:10 UTC 2008

Alec Ross wrote:
> In message <301685.95468.qm at web82808.mail.mud.yahoo.com>, Leonard 
> Chatagnier <lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net> writes
> Thanks Leonard,
>> Perhaps you lost XP due to the error. First, try "sudo update-grub", 
>> then reboot and when the grub lists show on restart move the cursor 
>> down the list and see if you find a listing for XP.
> Nope.  None there.  ;(
>> If not you are likely to have lost XP on the install due to the error 
>> or perhaps by selecting use entire disk on the install.
> It certainly looks like this.  There was a recovery D: drive - but this 
> may have been logical only.  The 80 Mb drive is now at ~79Gb for sda1, 
> and 1 Gb for sda5.
> Thanks again.
> Regards,
> Alec
    I believe you said you have an older backup of your Windows. Your 
Ubuntu is new so at worst you need to re-load it. Here is a plan to get 
your system back into operation. I assume you have a Windows cd-rom 
which will let you re-load Windows. You do have the Ubuntu DVD which 
will let you re-load that.

    Your HD is 80 GB which is big enough for both systems. Here you make 
your choice but I would make several partitions. First for windows I 
would make a 3 GB partition which will be /etc/sda1. Then at /dev/hda2 I 
would make a 2 GB Swap partition required by Ubuntu. At /dev/sda3 is a 
12 GB Linux partition for your home partition.

    At /dev/hda4 I make that an extended partition of 63 GB. Then at 
/dev/hda5 I make a 4 GB partition which you will load Ubuntu into.

    You make those partitions with sudo fdisk from a terminal in the 
LiveDVD system. When done you drop out and install Windows. Then add the 
backup you have to the windows.

    Now again bring up the Live DVD and select install. When you get to 
the part where you select where to put Ubuntu select Manual. From the 
manual select to use /dev/sda5 and it will then install there and set up 
Grub and you will be able to boot either system.

    More when you get to this point.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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