8.04 dual-boot w/ XP: - installation problems

Alec Ross alec at arlross.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 21 20:31:47 UTC 2008

In message <301685.95468.qm at web82808.mail.mud.yahoo.com>, Leonard 
Chatagnier <lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net> writes

Thanks Leonard,

>Perhaps you lost XP due to the error. First, try "sudo update-grub", 
>then reboot and when the grub lists show on restart move the cursor 
>down the list and see if you find a listing for XP.

Nope.  None there.  ;(

>If not you are likely to have lost XP on the install due to the error 
>or perhaps by selecting use entire disk on the install.

It certainly looks like this.  There was a recovery D: drive - but this 
may have been logical only.  The 80 Mb drive is now at ~79Gb for sda1, 
and 1 Gb for sda5.

Thanks again.


Alec Ross

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