
Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Mon Sep 15 13:52:36 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> Note that the original black hole would be composed of only two
> particles! It would take quite a while for it to accumulate enough
> mass to even be detectable, it will not be interactive very much with
> it's surroundings. By 'quite a while' I mean that humans may no longer
> populate the Earth by then, and even that is only the case if Hawkins
> Radiation does not evaporate it first!

Or more likely, imo, there would be no humans left _other_ than Stephen
Hawking.  (btw, in the interest of giving credit where due, it is Hawking
Radiation, or Bekenstein-Hawking radiation).

I'm not sure that the fact that there would be only two particles makes any
difference to the time it might take to grow.  By definition, they'd have
to be extremely massive particles, for there to be even a micro-blackhole,
and anything coming within its event horizon would be added to the mass. In
any case, the LHC is supposed to be actually capable of _creating_ matter
(ie m=e/C**2), so there could be far more than two particles involved.

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