Vbox 2.0.0 upgrade on Ubuntu Hardy AMD64 blowing up

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Wed Sep 10 18:31:03 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 09/10/2008 09:34 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> [Followup set to ubuntu.user as you're crossposting :-) ]
>> Ah, so you're part of the problem that causes the KDE developers to refuse
>> to fix KNode. :-)
>> Why on earth _shouldn't_ he crosspost?  This is a question that's equally
>> relevant on the VirtualBox and Ubuntu lists.
> Sure it is (equally relevant on both lists); however unless you are
> subscribed to all crossposted lists (I am in this case) you have to
> either: 1) edit the reply to only reply to the the list you are
> subscribed to, or 2) subscribe to the other crossposted lists so that
> your reply will go through or suffer a 'not subscribed' bounce.
> Doing #2 isn't acceptable in some cases. Let's turn it around & submit a
> reply (in this case) from the vbox list: I'm sure that there are many
> users on that list that could give a wit about Ubuntu, and in many
> cases, linux. If they provide a reply on that list without doing #1
> they'd have to subscribe to this list - or get a bounce back that the
> msg couldn't be delivered to xyz because they are not subscribed.
> Similar situation with some that post here and crosspost to regianal
> Ubuntu lists; both are relevant, but I've no desire to subscribe to the
> regional Ubuntu user list, so each time I reply I need to edit the reply
> to address & edit out the crossposted list.
>> There is absolutely nothing wrong with appropriate cross-posting, but
>> because there are people who treat it as a sin, we're stuck with a @#$%^
>> news reader that insists on setting followups to the first group.
> So change it. Remove the 'Followup-to' and reset it.

No worries. Next time I have a VBox problem I'll just send it to both
lists as a "BCC". That way each will exist independent of each other
and nobody will be any the wiser or have issues.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
Systems Theory internet music project: <www.systemstheory.net>
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