Vbox 2.0.0 upgrade on Ubuntu Hardy AMD64 blowing up

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 10 17:58:45 UTC 2008

On 09/10/2008 09:34 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> [Followup set to ubuntu.user as you're crossposting :-) ]
> Ah, so you're part of the problem that causes the KDE developers to refuse
> to fix KNode. :-)
> Why on earth _shouldn't_ he crosspost?  This is a question that's equally
> relevant on the VirtualBox and Ubuntu lists.

Sure it is (equally relevant on both lists); however unless you are
subscribed to all crossposted lists (I am in this case) you have to
either: 1) edit the reply to only reply to the the list you are
subscribed to, or 2) subscribe to the other crossposted lists so that
your reply will go through or suffer a 'not subscribed' bounce.

Doing #2 isn't acceptable in some cases. Let's turn it around & submit a
reply (in this case) from the vbox list: I'm sure that there are many
users on that list that could give a wit about Ubuntu, and in many
cases, linux. If they provide a reply on that list without doing #1
they'd have to subscribe to this list - or get a bounce back that the
msg couldn't be delivered to xyz because they are not subscribed.

Similar situation with some that post here and crosspost to regianal
Ubuntu lists; both are relevant, but I've no desire to subscribe to the
regional Ubuntu user list, so each time I reply I need to edit the reply
to address & edit out the crossposted list.

> There is absolutely nothing wrong with appropriate cross-posting, but
> because there are people who treat it as a sin, we're stuck with a @#$%^
> news reader that insists on setting followups to the first group.

So change it. Remove the 'Followup-to' and reset it.

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