help needed for Ubuntu 8.04 on HP 6720s notebook

Abhishek Bawkar abhishekbawkar at
Tue Sep 2 06:13:52 UTC 2008

Hi James,

Are you sure your ISP doesn't have DHCP? Do you connect to the Internet
through a modem?
I am 100% sure that my ISP does not have DHCP. I use the same connection
and the notebook on windows, there I have set everything manually and that
connection works fine, I am able to do everything on windows. But, when I
boot my machine in Ubuntu, it's not woring... :(

can you post the output of
cat /etc/network/interfaces

also attach the file created in your home directory by:
sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log
Right now I am at office. Will try your suggestions and answer your
questions in the evening once I reach home (I am from India).

Thanks a lot for the quick reply.



On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:19 AM, James Collier
<james.collier412 at>wrote:

> Hi Abhishek,
> <snip>
> 1. Ethernet is not working. My ISP does not have DHCP. After setting IP
> address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, it shows that the LAN is connected,
> I can see the packets being sent/received, but I cannot open any web
> page neither I can ping any IP. I have tried almost everything mentioned
> on the forum "Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy and HP 6720s (a hopefully complete
> guide)" and other too to make my Ethernet work, but none of them worked.
> And because the Ethernet is not working I am not able to do "aptget" for
> anything.
> </snip>
> Are you sure your ISP doesn't have DHCP? Do you connect to the Internet
> through a modem?
> Better question, do you know exactly how you connect to the Internet and
> if so how?
> can you post the output of
> cat /etc/network/interfaces
> also attach the file created in your home directory by:
> sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log
> _When_ you do get on the Internet you would probably prefer to use a
> graphical package manager. But if you'd like to use the shell you'll
> want to type:
> apt-get install <package-name>
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