help needed for Ubuntu 8.04 on HP 6720s notebook

Abhishek Bawkar abhishekbawkar at
Sat Sep 6 05:37:01 UTC 2008

Hi James/Mario,

Extemely sorry for the late reply, I was out of station for a couple
of are the contents of my system's

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0

Also, attached is the file created in my home directory by:
sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log

Mario, here are my answers to your questions,

Can you ping Yes
Can you ping your own IP that you received from the ISP? Yes
Can you ping the ISP's gateway? No
Can you ping the DNS servers? No

Mario, also note that, answers to all the above questions are YES,
when tried in windows.

Please let me know what's next to be done.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions.



On 9/2/08, Abhishek Bawkar <abhishekbawkar at> wrote:
> Hi James,
> <snip>
> Are you sure your ISP doesn't have DHCP? Do you connect to the Internet
> through a modem?
> </snip>
> I am 100% sure that my ISP does not have DHCP. I use the same connection
> and the notebook on windows, there I have set everything manually and that
> connection works fine, I am able to do everything on windows. But, when I
> boot my machine in Ubuntu, it's not woring... :(
> <snip>
> can you post the output of
> cat /etc/network/interfaces
> also attach the file created in your home directory by:
> sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log
> </snip>
> Right now I am at office. Will try your suggestions and answer your
> questions in the evening once I reach home (I am from India).
> Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
> regards,
> abhishek
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:19 AM, James Collier
> <james.collier412 at>wrote:
>> Hi Abhishek,
>> <snip>
>> 1. Ethernet is not working. My ISP does not have DHCP. After setting IP
>> address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, it shows that the LAN is connected,
>> I can see the packets being sent/received, but I cannot open any web
>> page neither I can ping any IP. I have tried almost everything mentioned
>> on the forum "Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy and HP 6720s (a hopefully complete
>> guide)" and other too to make my Ethernet work, but none of them worked.
>> And because the Ethernet is not working I am not able to do "aptget" for
>> anything.
>> </snip>
>> Are you sure your ISP doesn't have DHCP? Do you connect to the Internet
>> through a modem?
>> Better question, do you know exactly how you connect to the Internet and
>> if so how?
>> can you post the output of
>> cat /etc/network/interfaces
>> also attach the file created in your home directory by:
>> sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log
>> _When_ you do get on the Internet you would probably prefer to use a
>> graphical package manager. But if you'd like to use the shell you'll
>> want to type:
>> apt-get install <package-name>
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