help needed for Ubuntu 8.04 on HP 6720s notebook

James Collier james.collier412 at
Tue Sep 2 05:49:31 UTC 2008

Hi Abhishek,
1. Ethernet is not working. My ISP does not have DHCP. After setting IP
address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, it shows that the LAN is connected,
I can see the packets being sent/received, but I cannot open any web
page neither I can ping any IP. I have tried almost everything mentioned
on the forum "Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy and HP 6720s (a hopefully complete
guide)" and other too to make my Ethernet work, but none of them worked.
And because the Ethernet is not working I am not able to do "aptget" for

Are you sure your ISP doesn't have DHCP? Do you connect to the Internet
through a modem?
Better question, do you know exactly how you connect to the Internet and
if so how?

can you post the output of
cat /etc/network/interfaces

also attach the file created in your home directory by:
sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log

_When_ you do get on the Internet you would probably prefer to use a
graphical package manager. But if you'd like to use the shell you'll
want to type:
apt-get install <package-name>
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My System: Ubuntu 8.04 GNU/Linux 2.6.27-2-generic x86_64 
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Started: Tue Sep 2 15:23:10 EST 2008
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