Should I add this Repo?

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Oct 28 14:33:39 UTC 2008

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> If something gets broken on   my Hardy 64 bit, I'll let you and the list
> know. Don't know where you came up with --force-overwrite.

I said "most common" - I could even be wrong about that, but it's a pretty
safe bet

> My posts mentioned --force-architecture

No, you didn't actually say that... at least not in this branch of this

> and I explained why it was needed. 

> What do  
> you Ubuntu gurus have against Brother and there great support for both
> Linux and Ubuntu of am I missing something. 

I don't have _anything_ against Brother - I merely pointed out (I'm certain,
correctly) that requiring a --force option to do an install is sloppy and
potentially hazardous.  The fact that it _does_ break things doesn't mean
that you're guaranteed to have problems, but you want to think at least
three or four times before you do it.

> I still think Brother has great Linux/Ubuntu support 

You said it was "the best" Linux support.  Given that HP actually
open-sources its printer support, and it's available in the Ubuntu repos, I
just have a little doubt about that claim.  If you indulge in hyperbole,
expect people to call you on it.

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