Multistation OS

Karl Larsen k5di at
Mon Oct 27 13:33:29 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Mark Haney wrote:
>> Wade Smart wrote:
>>> 20081027 0718 GMT-6
>>> A short while back I posted some questions about using Thin Clients at 
>>> the local school. That fizzled out. I received a email this morning from 
>>> the school wanting to know if I could setup a multi-station lab like 
>>> what is in this email.
>>> The second link tells about what they are doing.
>>> This is just what I was talking about - right?
>>> Just done only in one location and district wide.
>>> Wade
>> I fail to see how this is different from a thin-client solution.  At 
>> least in it's basic elements. You are still using a single machine to 
>> provide desktops to other systems.  They claim:
> This is completely different.  (And maybe better)
> A traditional thin client solution would still require some kind of
> computer at each station, even if that 'computer' is simply running some
> built in X client.
> This multi-station is just a way of connecting multiple monitors,
> keyboards and mice to 1 computer.
> In my experience, given the sheer volume of old discarded computers, a
> school can much more cheaply build a lab of thin clients consisting
> mostly of used computers that would otherwise be de-comishioned.
> The multi-station idea, however, will likely be less expensive on the
> electricity bill.
    I wonder if the thin solution comes about due to savings on the 
number of Windows packages. If you pay only for the one computer and 
then let 10 children use it with thin devises that is a big savings in cost.

    With Linux there is no such cost so thick solutions work fine since 
the operating system is free. In large quantities a new computer can be 
had for around $300.00. I think it is the best solution.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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