static wireless network

Joel Goguen jgoguen at
Wed Oct 22 17:56:10 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 10:46 -0700, John Hubbard wrote:
> Mark Haney wrote:
> > John Hubbard wrote:
> >   
> >> I am trying to set up a machine with a static ip address.   I have other 
> >> examples of how to set up static ip addresses and know what needs to go 
> >> into the /etc/network/interfaces file.  The part that I am fuzzy on is 
> >> how to bring up the connection up at boot.  The wireless network is 
> >> secure.  I know how to configure the connection with the 'iwconfig' 
> >> command but I am not sure where to put a script that sets it up.  So the 
> >> question is where do I put the command to configure the wireless, and do 
> >> I just set up /etc/network/interfaces like I would for a static wired ip 
> >> address? 
> >> Just in case it matters that wireless adapter is a RTL-8185.  It was 
> >> properly detected by a fresh install of mythbuntu 8.10 beta. 
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > Edit the wireless interface (mine is wlan0, but yours might be 
> > different) and add (or edit) ONBOOT=YES.  
> In /etc/network/interfaces? I have found a lot of references to ifcfg-* 
> but I can't find those files anywhere. Do Debian based system use them?
> > That /should/ bring up the 
> > interface on boot.
> >   
> But where do I add the line about what the wireless key is? Or is that 
> automagically saved for me?
> -- 
> -john
> To be or not to be, that is the question
>                 2b || !2b
> (0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
>         0b11000100 || !0b11000100
>         0b11000100 || 0b00111011
>                0b11111111
>         255, that is the answer.

The ifcfg-* files are used by Red Hat and distros based of it.  Debian
and derivitaves use /etc/network/interfaces, which has a different
format.  Enter "man 5 interfaces" in a Terminal to read all about it.

Joel Goguen
Bug-free code is a myth.
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