modem usrobotics 5637

Bo Grimes boslists at
Mon Oct 20 17:55:58 UTC 2008

On Mon, 20 Oct 2008, John Heinen wrote:
> Thank you Bo and Nills for your advise, really appreciate your
> patience., Nils mentioned ACMO, I then discovered a lot more devices,
> like  /dev/modem/ttyso,  noz o, ttyacmo, ttyusbo and many more!
> So I found that /dev/ttyso modem is applicable/working, just fine. In
> further configuring I got this message /etc/resolve.config
> is missingor cannot be read, create the file (can be empty) with
> appropiate read and write permissions.. I may not be very smart in the
> endeavor but I never give up. So I decided to abort Mint and install
> kubuntu again. SAME PROBLEM.
> Could it be that the problem is an the cd's or kppp instruction or just
> my ignorance.

Never had that problem, and don't know why it would exist, but, if all you 
need to do to resolve it is create an empty file with the right 
permissions this should work:

sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf

Notice that the file above is different than what you typed.  My guess, 
but maybe I'm wrong, is that you mean /etc/resolv.conf, not 
resolve.config, but double check the error you're getting to see.  If you 
really need resolve.config then use that.

All I really know is you can use the touch command to create empty files. 
Just make sure you create one with the exact right name.  My guess, again, 
is you really want /etc/resolv.conf

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