Restore latest kernel

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Oct 16 18:32:08 UTC 2008

Mike Adolf wrote:

> I can not boot 

OK, in the first place you said both "latest" and "" (which is
hardly "latest", but is probably the most recent in hardy).  Please try to
be precise, because if you really put this module into, it's no
surprise it isn't working.

> If I boot it in recovery mode it gets to the 
> point of running modprobe and gives the error "abnormal exit" and hangs.
> Recovery mode boot flies by so fast I can't really see what it is doing.
> I can still boot into a previous kernel (.19)

So boot into the old kernel, and remove the driver you just built.  "depmod"
needs to be run again before booting into the new kernel, but I believe
it's done automatically.

Have you actually tried using the new kernel with the original driver?  It
may seem like a stupid question, but I can't believe the number of people
who load a new kernel and compile drivers because they saw something on the
always trustworthy Internet that told them to do it, without ever checking
whether the existing drivers did the job.

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