[Media] 8.04 Servers - Wikipedia

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Oct 13 14:04:22 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 22:05 +1000, Res wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Mario Vukelic wrote:
>>> Puleeze. For your benefit I did a quick review of the announcements
>>> related to 8.04 on ubuntu-security since Sept 1. In chronological order:
>> according to ....
> According to the ubuntu-security list; what did you think? Just to be
> clear, I did not go and check the code for every announcement. Since you
> made a related decision for your (undoubtedly major) data center I trust
> that it would be easy for you to show me evidence to the contrary.
>> nope, because I only employ staff who are competant, and who enjoy a 
>> relaxed lifestyle.
> And why is it that you think that good manners are not needed when
> communicating on the list?

You don't remember Res? As I recall he's the one that claims he's helped 
dozens, if not hundreds, of newbie users for whom this list is too 
intimidating and cruel to them. He's helped them all offline because he 
doesn't need to beat his chest with his accomplishments unlike all the 
jerks and meanies on this list. Conveniently I don't remember anyone 
coming forward to support his claims, though.

I'm surprised he hasn't put you on his banned list for irritating him. 
He did that to me and I'm not even sure what I did to tick him off. I 
wrote him an email to apologize and try to find out how I offended him 
and I found out my email was banned and blocked so I more or less wrote 
him off as a troll that appears here periodically to fan some flames and 
disappears for awhile to lurk.

If it's true that he's a champion for newbies offline, let him be that 
then and ignore him here. It's quite clear that he doesn't really want 
to engage in a dialog with people here and any attempt to do so will 
result in insults and flames if you don't see the world through his eyes.

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