[Media] 8.04 Servers - Wikipedia

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Mon Oct 13 12:39:53 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 22:05 +1000, Res wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> > Puleeze. For your benefit I did a quick review of the announcements
> > related to 8.04 on ubuntu-security since Sept 1. In chronological order:
> according to ....

According to the ubuntu-security list; what did you think? Just to be
clear, I did not go and check the code for every announcement. Since you
made a related decision for your (undoubtedly major) data center I trust
that it would be easy for you to show me evidence to the contrary.

> nope, because I only employ staff who are competant, and who enjoy a 
> relaxed lifestyle.

And why is it that you think that good manners are not needed when
communicating on the list?

> > A rational position would be to weigh the pros and cons of
> > distro-specific changes overall, not to go ballistic over an isolated
> fuck me dead, please dont insult my intelligence with this tripe [...]

Oh dear.

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