Install Xwindows to Ubuntu Server and convert Ubuntu Desktop to Ubuntu Server

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Thu Oct 2 15:51:34 UTC 2008

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 11:09 AM, David Dang <ddang at> wrote:
> Under Ubuntu Destop, I tried to search for LAMP to install (because from my
> reading, the four programs come under one group to install, if I am not
> mistaken), but from the Add/Remove Application, I could not find any.  Even
> individual programs like MySQL, Apache, php,I still cannot find.  That was
> why I thought that the Server installation would help.

Try using Synaptic under System -> Administration rather than the
Add/Remove program.  The Add/Remove program is deliberately simplified
and isn't showing you what you want.  Since LAMP isn't a 'standard' -
e.g. Perl or PHP? MySQL or Postgres? this way lets you pick and choose
the pieces you want. Alternatively, you could run in a terminal 'sudo
tasksel install lamp-server'


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