Troubles watching NBC shows from thier website

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at
Wed Oct 1 08:45:23 UTC 2008

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:44:47 +0200, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> Doesn't work on my 64-bit AMD with Hardy and firefox 3.0.3. It requires
> Flash version 9 and although I have installed the work-around library
> it complains about not having installed
> libflasplayer 9 or higher. I have the same problem with youtube. I can
> however see other sites- apparently using an older version of flash -
> without problems. I don't want to use a 32-bit version of firefox (gives
> all sort of problems when installing).
> On another complaint in this thread I think complaining to NBC has the
> same effect as complaining to Adobe i.e. none. Joep

Wait till you try to play a shockwave movie. The only way to do it in 
Linux is: Install Windows' version of Firefox using Wine. 

Adobe: Complaints => Blackhole.

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