What does seahorse do?

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Thu Nov 27 11:43:58 UTC 2008

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 10:26:28PM +1100, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 10:41:33AM +0000, Chris G wrote:
> > Having just changed my login password on my new xubuntu 8.10 system I
> > have discovered that there's an application called 'seahorse' lurking
> > in the background.
> Seems to have been around for some time. Even on 7.10:
> $ apt-cache search seahorse | grep seahorse
> seahorse - A Gnome front end for GnuPG
> > After changing the password seahorse pops up a window when you log in
> > to X demanding that you enter a password - what it's asking for is the
> > *old* password which it has stashed away somewhere itself.
> > 
> > What isn't clear though is what seahorse is for and reading the Help
> > is no 'help' at all, it just tells you how to drive the program, which
> > is fine in itself but doesn't help me at all in working out what it
> > does.
> But GUIs are intuitive. They don't need explanation. :^)
> There doesn't seem to be a {info,man}page for the version for 7.10.
> That only leaves the Help, then.
> The help does link to http://www.gnupg.org/, where there are:
> Documentation
>     * HOWTOs
>     * Manuals
>     * Guides
>     * FAQs
>     * Mailing lists
>     * Sites
>     * BTS
> However, if it doesn't mean much to you, there's no harm in closing the
> window, and pretending it never popped up. 
What a patronising load of gits you are sometimes!  (Not just you
Erik, the rest of the replies are no better)

Look, I've been a software developer since 1971 or so, I'm MBCS and
have *earned* my C.Eng. status by showing work I have done over the
years.  I started using Unix (on a Tektronix development system) some
time in the early 1980s.  I've been using Unix/Linux sort of systems
on my home computers since around 1990.

OK, I'm maybe a bit stuck in the habit of using command line for
everything but saying "if it doesn't mean much to you, there's no harm
in closing the window, and pretending it never popped up" isn't very
likely to cheer me up!

Rant over!  :-)

... but I still want to know how/where I get my ssh key into seahorse
and/or whether it does it by itself.

Chris Green

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