Java plugin choices for ubuntu 8.10

David Fox dfox94085 at
Mon Nov 24 03:05:27 UTC 2008

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:49 PM, Chris Mohler <cr33dog at> wrote:
> Check "about"plugins" in FF's address bar.  I recently came across a
> system that had both icedtea and sun java installed - the icedtea
> plugin loaded, but not the sun plugin.  Removed icedtea and everything

Everything points to icedtea. I did as you suggest, removing icedtea
and java-gcj-compat packages, but I can't find sun-java6-plugin - it
is not available, and I have all sources enabled. I already have
sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jre installed.

Will report back in a bit after I reload firefox and check this site out.

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