hard drive permissions

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Nov 22 20:15:58 UTC 2008

Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Nils, finally got it after a couple of false starts.


> I now have a directory doug which gives me permissions. I also have one
> that belongs to root can I erase that?

If that one if from a failed attempt you can delete it. Otherwise I don't 
know if it is needed.

> I have another that I don't 
> know what it is, it's named lost+found and is empty.

This one is created for every ext2 / ext3 file system. It would be used if 
a file system check finds orphaned inodes. Don't delete it.

> Do 
> you know a good tutorial or on line course that teaches running Ubuntu
> from the terminal?

It is not specific to Ubuntu but you could install the package rutebook. 
It explains about everything done with the command line and some basics 
about the hardware. After installing the package start reading with the 
file "/usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html". Maybe someone else knows 
something specific for Ubuntu?


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