Need to install Ubuntu via USB

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Nov 17 00:59:47 UTC 2008

On 11/15/2008 04:09 PM, Scott wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> - What size & type of USB stick (I assume it's a USB stick)
> 8GB Dane-Elec.
>> - Can you boot any other system using that USB stick?

That didn't answer the question, which is: Can you boot _any other
system_ using that USB stick? The fact that you were able to boot 8.10
(below) has nothing to do with the current state of the files & status
of the USB stick now. So: _Can you boot any other system using that USB

> I was able to boot Ubuntu 8.10, but the Dell wireless card does not work 
> with 8.10.

So, apparently you _were_ able to install 8.10 via the USB stick, but
the only issue was the wireless card?  If so, why not load 8.10 back on
and then post (in a separate thread) the details of the laptop, wireless
card, & all the requsite info (ifconfig, iwconfig, drivers being used
etc., etc)?

These might be of some help before posting back:

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