
Karl Larsen k5di at
Thu Nov 13 19:51:51 UTC 2008

    I am lost it appears. On my cheap lap-top I got Hardy loaded using 
the Alternate CD and it looked perfect and was so I think. I got 170 
updates and it was really what I wanted.

    Then I did a really stupid thing. I tried to look at a file with 
totem. Of course it could not play the file and it said you need some 
more special files, 2 in fact. I installed both and they ruined ALL my 
Sound and Video things.

    These 2 files were from a computer outside the USA and they are 
faulty in some way. I did not write down the name of the files. If you 
know the file names I can remove them and get my Sound and Video systems 
working again.

    I did look at Google and put in ubuntu,totem,freeze and got several 
thousand web things to read. I find this is a very common PROBLEM. But 
after reading 15 of them there was no solution offered except to re-load 
your ubuntu and the next step is to with great haste delete all of totem.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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