bookmarks in konqueror 4.1.x

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Nov 13 19:58:00 UTC 2008

2008/11/13  <pkaplan1 at>:
> After installing 8.10, I copied my bookmark.xml and faviconrc files from my
> ~/.kde directory (kde3) to the kde4 version.  It seems that kde 4 doesn't
> use the faviconrc file and stores the bookmarks in a (slightly?) different
> format.  Does anyone know of an app or script that will convert the older
> file format to the newer one?  (I really don't want to rebuild the file by
> visiting each site!)
> Paul

1) Try File->Import or some such function. I'm in KDE 3 at the moment
but it should be obvious once you know that it exists.

2) Please do not post in HTML. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen


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