Remote Desktop File Transfer

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Nov 11 01:56:46 UTC 2008

On 11/10/2008 05:09 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Owen Townend wrote:
>>  From your Ubuntu box use `rdesktop -u sam -r
>>  disk:samtmp=/home/sam/tmp` Where would be substituted
>>  for your school server address and
>> '/home/sam/tmp' is the local directory you want access to from the
>> rdesktop session and 'sam' is your remote username.
>>  You'd then type '\\tsclient\samtmp' into the address bar in your
>> remote session to get access.
> You know, I've been using rdp for at least 3 years, and haven't seen this - thanks!

If you use the Terminal Server client (gnome) and set for RDP, all you
need to do is select the Local Resources|Remotely map your disk
drive|check the box > add my local drive to the remote computer. Log
into the remote Windows machine.

You can then tranfer to/from as long as the directories have sharing r/w
enabled. That's it - just log into the Win machine & you'll see your
ubuntu drive listed. As always, just be _very_ careful on what you
transfer back & forth :-)

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