Remote Desktop File Transfer

Owen Townend owen.townend at
Tue Nov 11 01:39:02 UTC 2008

2008/11/11 Derek Broughton <news at>:
> Owen Townend wrote:
>>  From your Ubuntu box use `rdesktop -u sam -r
>>  disk:samtmp=/home/sam/tmp` Where would be substituted
>>  for your school server address and
>> '/home/sam/tmp' is the local directory you want access to from the
>> rdesktop session and 'sam' is your remote username.
>>  You'd then type '\\tsclient\samtmp' into the address bar in your
>> remote session to get access.
> You know, I've been using rdp for at least 3 years, and haven't seen this - thanks!
> --
> derek

Heh, no worries.
I found it a while back while exploring: the windows remote desktop
client has an option to share local drives to the remote session and I
wondered if the linux client had it implemented.  Comes in handy.


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