Still having problems viewing dvd's

David Fox dfox94085 at
Tue Nov 4 03:46:50 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:36 PM, Mark <markfpyles at> wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> Sorry to be such a pain, but I am trying to use mplayer or any player for
> that matter that will allow me to play my dvd's. I am searching for a player
> that will allow me to have more control over the functions of the player and

I recommend vlc (sudo apt-get install vlc).

Can you access the dvd? e.g., mplayer dvd://1?

Sometimes using mplayer can be a bit tricky, it's really not designed
to be a dvd player per se, but just a media/file player. So, it won't
offer you with fancy menus, while the other ones will, such as vlc, or
maybe gxine.

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