Why is HAL being made the default when it's not ready?

Bo Grimes boslists at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 10:21:29 UTC 2008

> On Sat, 2008-11-01 at 10:24 +0900, Dave M G wrote:
> The "OP" is fully aware of the situation, and so far this seems to be a 
> case of not getting any technical help, 

You haven't asked for any technical help, and you misdirected anyone who
could help you.  You may say (not quoted here because I deleted it already)
that it is just semantics but your original post says: "I looked on the 'net
and discovered that this is because Ubuntu is now using something called
"HAL" for handling all input."

"[N]ow using something called 'HAL'"?

Come on.  No one can tell from that phrasing that you know HAL has been
around a while, and that it's merely the new settings in XOrg that are
causing the problem.

And no one can give you technical help without technical information.  The
entire OP was written like you knew there was no possible solution until the
developers got off their butts and fixed this "something" called "HAL" they
decided to use in Intrepid.

Is there some pressing need for you to use Intrepid?  If my livilhood
depended on a piece of hardware that was working just fine with my OS,
there's no way I would ever upgrade without a tested backup and until I new
that hardware would work.

If you want help, be nice and give the people information they can actually
use to try and help you manually get your hardware working.

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