Point me at some Ubuntu documentation?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at gmail.com
Thu May 22 15:42:13 UTC 2008

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:54 AM, Paul Johnson <pauljohn32 at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. How to build a deb file?  I'm familiar with building RPMS on
> Redhat/Fedora, but need basic information on how Debian builds are
> configured and managed.   If there is such a guide for people that are
> already familiar with "rpmbuild", so much the better.

Two things have helped me here - 'chkconfig' and 'alien'.  With
chkconfig you to the './configure', 'make', but instead of 'make
install' if you run 'chkconfig' it creates a .deb an then attempts to
install it.  Alien allows one to convert from .rpm to .deb

> 2. I can't find an option for dpkg to stop post uninstall scripts from
> running.  On one of the systems I'm testing, dpkg --remove got about
> 90% done, before it tried to execute a script that failed.  In RedHat,
> there is a --noscripts option so that one can get the system to remove
> packages like even if their post scripts fail.

I haven't run into this yet.

> 3. I find it hard to understand the Ubuntu packaging of disks.  I use
> some Gnome programs, some KDE, some XFCE.  My favorite window manager
> is WindowMaker.   Is there one Ubuntu disk that has "Everything"?  all
> the gnome and kde and xfce packages together?  I found CD sized disks
> for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and so forth, but kept looking until I found a
> bigger iso file.  I downloaded an install dvd for hardy herron
> (ubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso), but the install seems to include only
> gnome programs.  I see I can download k3b and other KDE favorites, but
> it is not quite clear to me why they are all packaged separately.

I *think* it's a portability issue.  There are metapackages you can
install - apt-get install kubuntu will grab everything you need for
KDE eg.  I'm not sure on your bootup problems...

> Oh, and I just realized, the X server started up without ever asking
> me any configuration questions.  It is running the nv driver on this
> dell laptop, at 1680x1050.  No 3d, too bad.  I thought I heard that
> Ubuntu had reached a peace with the Nvidia company and you were
> shipping their Nvidia driver? Not so?

There should be something in your panel bugging you about using
"restricted drivers".    If not, have a look in
System->Admin->Hardware Drivers.


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