Debian or Ubuntu?

Steve Lamb grey at
Thu May 15 05:53:58 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 14 May 2008 22:34:55 Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> Aside from what I just said, this case(s) really seem odd, I give you
> that. Out of curiosity (and risking hijack the thread even more), did
> you report bugs, or pursue exactly what happened?

    Bug report, no.  I couldn't gather a reason as to why it happened and my 
using aptitude dist-upgrade directly might have caused it.  Human error, even 
out of ignorance, is hardly a bug worthy of tracking.  I did try to figure 
out what happened and posted about it in another thread with a topic that 
ended in "dooooooooooooooom"... give or take a few Os.

    The partition just didn't mount.  There was no device in /dev.  The UUID 
matched.  I didn't feel like trying to diagnose it beyond that since it would 
be faster to just torrent 8.04 and reinstall.  Which I did.  3 hours total.  
I didn't learn as much and I'm still reinstalling but at least I'm up and 
running again.


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