Hibernation woes

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu May 8 15:08:26 UTC 2008

John Hubbard wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> It certainly isn't likely.  _If_ you have a swap partition, and _if_ you
>> don't have anything in your grub config to send it looking for the wrong
>> partition, there could be a bug, but I'm betting on one of those two
>> problems - and that's user initiated error.
> On my laptop susupend/hibernate work out of the box. But on my
> desktop/server they don't work out of the box. Not working out of the
> box is, for many people, the same as not working at all.

I agree.

> It would be 
> nice if it always worked out of the box. 

I agree.

> If not it would be nice if 
> there were more how-to articles about setting up hibernate/suspend.

My God, no.  There were more than enough of those when I was learning to do
this five years ago!

> Hibernate/suspend don't ALWAYS work and it isn't the users fault that
> they don't know enough to get it working.

And I was careful not to say that.  However, to get to the point of having a
bad configuration, it still needs user action.

> btw swapon -s shows:
> Filename Type Size Used Priority
> /dev/sda3 partition 40000176 0 -1
> I have swap (I have a lot of it) and hibernate suspend don't work. Any
> idea?

See my response to Albert Charron in this thread.  Of course,
saying "hibernate suspend don't work" isn't an error description.  They're
two distinct processes, so first we need to know which one doesn't work.

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