Hardy upgrade painful

steve sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Mon May 5 03:57:39 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Neil Cherry wrote:
| Well this was a disaster! I let the update managed update from Gutsy
| to Hardy and it did it's thing for several hours. When it was done
| I was greeted by a nice kernel panic: not syncing VFS: ... basically
| someone forgot to edit the grub menu and add the initrd line (grrr).
| When I login I find that HAL failed to initialize (oh great).
| Okay, so I figure them out. Next I boot up to find that I can't
| sudo anything. Luckily I had given root a password. Next I find
| I need to add my hostname to /etc/host so I can sudo (done). The
| current thing I'm working on is getting the restricted driver
| (the Atheos 5212 driver - ath_hal etc.) working. But when I go
| to the menus I find no place to access restricted drivers and I
| I'm not allowed to administer the networks (???).
| Now before I go and hack the files so Ubuntu behaves like every
| other Linux does anyone have a suggestion as to how to enable
| the restricted drivers?
| Right now I'm stuck on 2.6.22-14 so I can restored my network
| card to working order (manually!).

its called hardware drivers now, not restricted drivers.  same place,
system> admin> hardware drivers.  make sure you have restricted kernel
modules installed for your kernel or nothings going to show up under
hardware drivers.

- --
Steve Reilly


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