Alpha, beta, ....
Derek Broughton
news at
Sun May 4 20:02:37 UTC 2008
Sandy Harris wrote:
> Florian Diesch <diesch at> wrote:
>> "Sandy Harris" <sandyinchina at> wrote:
>> > Is there a way to find out which pieces of 8.04 are
>> > in what state? Alpha, beta, whatever? Seems to
>> > me we need one.
>> The version number doesn't say anything about how stable or usable a
>> software is so there's no point in searching for alpha and beta
>> versions.
> If the developers say it is alpha or beta, that tells me something.
Well not really. I've been using Wine for 7 or 8 years now. It's rock
solid - and it's been called an "alpha" for almost the whole time. It's
finally supposed to become 1.0rc1 this week!
>> And as Ubuntu and Debian quite often apply some patches it's often
>> difficult to compare the versions of a packaged software to the
>> version numbers on the developers web site.
> Good point.
Particularly security patches to software in the released Ubuntu version. I
keep seeing complaints here about how Ubuntu only has version x.y.z of
something but there was a serious security problem, "why don't they have
x.y.z+1" - but generally, if x.y.z was in the released version of, say,
gutsy, all subsequent gutsy updates will be called x.y.zubuntuNNN - and
_will_ have all the security patches.
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