Alpha, beta, ....

Florian Diesch diesch at
Mon May 5 16:03:35 UTC 2008

"Sandy Harris" <sandyinchina at> wrote:

> Florian Diesch <diesch at> wrote:
>> "Sandy Harris" <sandyinchina at> wrote:
>>  > Is there a way to find out which pieces of 8.04 are
>>  > in what state? Alpha, beta, whatever? Seems to
>>  > me we need one.
>>  The version number doesn't say anything about how stable or usable a
>>  software is so there's no point in searching for alpha and beta
>>  versions.
> If the developers say it is alpha or beta, that tells me something.

As there's no common understanding about what alpha or beta means it
doesn't tell much. And as what you install is most often not what the
author labeled "alpha" or "stable" it's IMHO pointless.

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