My 8.04 LTS Desktop hasn't notified me about any updates in 5 days

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Thu May 1 20:35:03 UTC 2008

Scott Kaplan wrote:
> For the 6 months that I had 7.10 installed, I was notified through 
> Update Manager what seemed like every other day or so with updates.  I 
> upgraded from 7.10 Desktop to 8.04 Desktop 5 days ago.  Since then, 
> Update Manger has not notified me about any updates.  The install (which 
> was typical) was clean & my machine has worked flawlessly ever since (in 
> fact, the 8.04 desktop is a phenomenal OS).  I tried Update Manager 
> manually and after checking, it didn't report any updates.  It did 
> however report that my system was up-to-date.
> I am just wondering if it is normal to go this long (5 days) without an 
> update notification or maybe if something is wrong with my Update Manager.
> Thanks,
> Scott
If you enable some of the other groups or add additional repos, then you 
might get more frequent changes.  The default synaptic config doesn't 
yield very many updates, especially so soon after initial release...

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