My 8.04 LTS Desktop hasn't notified me about any updates in 5 days

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Thu May 1 22:18:54 UTC 2008

On Thursday 01 May 2008 12:59:56 pm Scott Kaplan wrote:
> For the 6 months that I had 7.10 installed, I was notified through Update
> Manager what seemed like every other day or so with updates.  I upgraded
> from 7.10 Desktop to 8.04 Desktop 5 days ago.  Since then, Update Manger
> has not notified me about any updates.  The install (which was typical) was
> clean & my machine has worked flawlessly ever since (in fact, the 8.04
> desktop is a phenomenal OS).  I tried Update Manager manually and after
> checking, it didn't report any updates.  It did however report that my
> system was up-to-date.
> I am just wondering if it is normal to go this long (5 days) without an
> update notification or maybe if something is wrong with my Update Manager.

I wondered about this too but then I have since I upgraded, installed a couple 
of apps which were not previously installed and it went out, got them and 
installed them as usual so it MUST be properly connected to a repository, 
right?  I have had no updates shown me since the day of release.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
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