Installing Apache 1 (but not Apache 2)

Felipe Figueiredo philsf79 at
Wed Mar 5 16:59:04 UTC 2008

On Wed 05 Mar 2008 12:52:22 Sebastian Bassi wrote:
> On 3/5/08, Felipe Figueiredo <philsf79 at> wrote:

> >  Try sudo aptitude install -f
> >  and see if it corrects the error you saw;
> Before trying unkonw commands as root, could give me a hint about how
> is this going to fix my apache? I already google for this command and
> didn't found how is this related with my problem.

Oh, nothing much interesting, really. It wil just install an undetectable 
backdoor allowing me root access to your computer. :)

Kidding. If you google for "apt-get -f install" you will get many examples on 
how it fixes small dpkg problems. I'm just more used to using aptitude 
instead of apt-get.

As Derek already said, you failed to post the full error that should give 
information on what exactly went wrong. Maybe there were a few more lines you 
didn't paste?

Anyway, now that your problem is fixed, this command won't do anything at all.


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