aftermath of an ubuntu installation

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Mar 2 20:39:01 UTC 2008

On 03/02/2008 10:20 AM, Donny George wrote:
> i had read all the steps about ubuntu installation frmo ubuntu forums and
> also referred to screencast videos before going for it. and i interpretted
> that ubuntu live cd does the partition all by itself. so that we dont have
> to use even the gnome partition editor.
> so i used the live cd(choice 1 of the partition option) to do the partition
> of my existing windows drive D(with data and not windows OS). as such i dont
> beleive the drive has been completely formatted to ext3 as i had specified
> that it shud use only the space that i gave to it manually.
> and another reason to beleive that its not formatted is that i could see the
> files with GET DATA BACK(retrieval software, though i cant open any of the
> file). but after reading extensively now i get the impression that recovery
> softwares could even retrieve data from formatted disks.
> conclusion: i dont beleive my drive was formatted to ext3 but rather changed
> to ext3
> donny

Boot with the live cd and see if you can mount the drive and see the
files. If you can, don't do anything just yet. Just report back the results.

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