GNOME Invest 2.22.2 Applet Problem

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Tue Jun 24 12:57:01 UTC 2008


I am posting this to both gnome-list and ubuntu-users. It most likely 
should be only the gnome-list...

I recently moved my home directory from one partition to another; after 
some difficulty I was able to get it completed. As a part of the move my 
panel applets were not able to be included due to some technical 
difficulties. I have been able to get them all back the way I want them 
with the exception of the Invest 2.22.2 applet. When I added it, the 
only  thing that will appear is the applet icon on the panel and the 
pull down list(button 2). I was able to set some ticker symbols using 
the preferences pull down. They are present when I look at preferences 
again.  However, when I click(button 1) on the icon the only thing i get 
is a very small dot under the panel bar, no list of my stocks. How 
should I proceed...



Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115

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