ATI graphics support?

Vitorio Okio ovitorio at
Mon Jun 23 22:02:47 UTC 2008

"Vincent Trouilliez" <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote in 
news:20080623191740.4f7e992f.vincent.trouilliez at
> On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:02:35 -0700
> "Vitorio Okio" <ovitorio at> wrote:
>> The Opne Source ATI driver does have 3D support.  It has it for
>> selected card model lines.  But the number is quite large.
> Oops, my bad ! ;-/
> I was mistaken with the 'nv' driver, the nvidia counter part of the
> free radeon driver, and the former doesn't support 3D. My ATI
> experiences are quite old so please accept my apologies ;-) I now
> remember my ATI conclusions back then, with my ex-Radeon 9250:
> propietary flglrx driver:
> good 3D performance but driver so buggy/trouble some that it was not
> dependable enough to be used at all.
> free radeon driver:
> perfectly stable and glitch free, but 3D performance so poor that I
> (literally) didn't see any performance improvement over softare
> rendering (!) which therefore equalled to zero acceleration in 
> practice,
> hence might be why my losy memory deduced that 3D was not supported.

The open source driver really improved a lot.  Me personally found it 
so good that I just did not bother to keep troubleshooting buggy 

Plus, its a nice feeling to favor use of open source software over a 
proprietary one. :-) 

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