ATI graphics support?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Mon Jun 23 17:17:40 UTC 2008

On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:02:35 -0700
"Vitorio Okio" <ovitorio at> wrote:

> The Opne Source ATI driver does have 3D support.  It has it for 
> selected card model lines.  But the number is quite large.

Oops, my bad ! ;-/

I was mistaken with the 'nv' driver, the nvidia counter part of the
free radeon driver, and the former doesn't support 3D. My ATI
experiences are quite old so please accept my apologies ;-) I now
remember my ATI conclusions back then, with my ex-Radeon 9250:

propietary flglrx driver:
good 3D performance but driver so buggy/trouble some that it was not
dependable enough to be used at all. 

free radeon driver:
perfectly stable and glitch free, but 3D performance so poor that I
(literally) didn't see any performance improvement over softare
rendering (!) which therefore equalled to zero acceleration in practice,
hence might be why my losy memory deduced that 3D was not supported. 

YMMV of course ;-)



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